The Spiritual Climate on Today’s Campus.

Students today are searching for meaning and purpose. You might be surprised at their responses to spiritual topics even in todays current campus culture. Check out this brief video to watch students answer questions about faith and God.

Cru is an interdenominational Christian evangelism and discipleship ministry committed to giving people everywhere the opportunity to know and experience God’s love and plan for their lives. Cru is the U.S. ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International.


“…around the world more than 2 million people are Searching for God every day.” - ABCNews

“We have an opportunity to invest our lives, our time, our talent and our treasure to help fulfill what our lord came into this world to do and commissioned us to do… “be my witnesses.’” - Bill Bright 


Today there is tremendous competition
for the minds and hearts of students.


In the face of these struggles, God is bringing
students into a relationship with himself.

Because the needs are great and we have a big vision, we need to be strategic.
In Cru, we use a strategy called “Win, Build, and Send.”

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Cru exists to help fulfill the Great Commission by winning, building and sending in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Win: Connecting people to Jesus.

Build: Discipleship in a caring community.

Send: Sending them to win and build others.


Our Roles.

As full-time missionaries with Cru, we focus on students in the US and around the world.

Using media is a critical step in reaching young men and women, so our particular skills are highly sought after. As “Missionary Creatives” we produce much-needed design, writing, and video resources for Cru’s in-house design team; Creative One Media. John serves as the National Creative Lead and Rachael serves as a Sr. Graphic Designer.

We collaborate with other Cru ministries to produce beautiful, compelling resources that accelerate the mission. 

We invite others to partner with us to reach people for Christ.


Cru has no central funds for paying salaries and ministry expenses. Like many other mission organizations, Cru depends upon the consistent financial support of concerned individuals and churches. These contributions are used to fund the ministries of our staff members.

As partners in ministry, we commit to work diligently to reach people for Christ, to steward our financial resources well, to communicate with you regularly, and to share prayer concerns with one another. 

Your partnership can make a difference in reaching people for Christ.

Would you make a monthly commitment of $100, $200 or consider a large annual gift?